is now live! It's a bit of a rush job considering the date, but hey, it only took us three years to get this thing together, so this would be considered progress.
So, what's the episode, I hear you holler, and what's it got to do with the date? Well, the first episode has been released to tie in with National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo 2015.
We brought on special guest, Jessica McHugh, who's a veritable connoisseur of NaNoWriMo, to give us all the ins and outs and roundabouts of the event. The evening ran on late, the laughs were mighty, and cutting the film was entertaining to say the least. So although I had to stick to the topic for the episode, there is plenty of material for a follow-up blooper reel.
But that's getting ahead of myself. For now, loved and beloved readers, content yourselves with
And please, subscribe to the channel, share it with your friends, and throw an auld comment our way to amuse us.
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