Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Big Reveal

Finally, I get to type the words... So, another of the aforementioned 'projects' has come into fruition. All going well, the end of august should see the release of my first, solo short story collection.

My little masterpiece shall be dubbed 'Red Wine and Words' and is comprised of sixteen smaller masterpieces, the themes of which range from horror to dark fantasy, humour to romantic suspense, with a few strange unclassifiable ones thrown into the mix.

Of course it's not really news to me; I've known for almost a week - I'm a dark horse amn't I - but I have been holding back and twiddling my thumbs until the contract was signed so as not to 'jinx' it, as we would say back in the mother land. Regardless, it doesn't make it any less awesome to be able to write this post now.

Stay tuned to keep abreast on release dates, signings and all that malarky. <insert happy face here>

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Small Reveal

In my last post I was spouting on about some 'projects' I had in the mix. And then, being the awesome writer that I am, I left it at a cliffhanger. Well now I have the go-ahead to reveal some of it, and I will, because I'm good like that.

I got my lovely acceptance mail from Shane McKenzie over at Pill Hill Press last night, accepting my story, 'Joyeux Pรขques', into the super exciting anthology, 'A Hacked-Up Holiday Massacre.' 

A Hacked-Up Holiday Massacre

This is a pretty high profile anthology. I was a trifle starstruck to say the least at the reveal of the cover, to see that I will be sharing the pages with the likes of Jack Ketchum (Red, The Girl Next Door) and Bentley Little (The Summoning and two time winner of Bram Stoker Awards) to name a few. 

The caption on the cover reads 'Halloween is going to be jealous.' With a line-up like that, this book promises to do exactly what it says on the tin!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

So, I know what you've been thinking, For a writer she's got very bloody little to say!  Well I'll have you know I've been a very busy little bee, despite appearances, thank you very much! With the exception of one certain Ekstrem Sport Veko, I have been working on making a dent on all those annoying little bits of ideas that come to me in my sleep or at various other inopportune moments.

This basically means I have been on the run from the numerous forums with open submission calls; I can't afford to add to the ideas. You see, one little writer wants to put her short stories to bed and start to work on something a bit more novelly!

So now that we're on the same page, and it's clear I haven't been a lazy, no-writing sod for the past month, let's get on to some of the fun stuff that is happening. Within the month we should see the release of 'It was a Dark and Stormy Night.' I've edited my story in the proof and had a glance at some of the others, including the hilarious introduction by Jeff Strand, and I can tell you now, it promises to be a good'un. Below follows a gratuitous image of the cover.

It was a Dark and Stormy Night

Now there are a few other projects in the bag, and some quite exciting if I do say so myself, but I never like to detail them before either an acceptance or rejection. I wouldn't like to jinx things as they say.  Just another perk of being a lil Irish lady.

For the moment, you can all rest assured that your most fabulous favourite Irish author has most definitely not disappeared into the woodwork of her book shelves.