Sunday, July 17, 2011

So, I know what you've been thinking, For a writer she's got very bloody little to say!  Well I'll have you know I've been a very busy little bee, despite appearances, thank you very much! With the exception of one certain Ekstrem Sport Veko, I have been working on making a dent on all those annoying little bits of ideas that come to me in my sleep or at various other inopportune moments.

This basically means I have been on the run from the numerous forums with open submission calls; I can't afford to add to the ideas. You see, one little writer wants to put her short stories to bed and start to work on something a bit more novelly!

So now that we're on the same page, and it's clear I haven't been a lazy, no-writing sod for the past month, let's get on to some of the fun stuff that is happening. Within the month we should see the release of 'It was a Dark and Stormy Night.' I've edited my story in the proof and had a glance at some of the others, including the hilarious introduction by Jeff Strand, and I can tell you now, it promises to be a good'un. Below follows a gratuitous image of the cover.

It was a Dark and Stormy Night

Now there are a few other projects in the bag, and some quite exciting if I do say so myself, but I never like to detail them before either an acceptance or rejection. I wouldn't like to jinx things as they say.  Just another perk of being a lil Irish lady.

For the moment, you can all rest assured that your most fabulous favourite Irish author has most definitely not disappeared into the woodwork of her book shelves.

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