Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It's a Sellout!

And so, Red Wine and Words is officially launched! The night was a huge success - great crowd, good atmosphere, the wine was a-flowing and the speeches went off relatively hitch-less. And best of all, we sold out in under three hours. Now that's not too shabby for a little country girl, if I do say so myself.

But don't despair. Though the book may, for the time being, be sold out in the shops, it will be back in stock soon. Also, it is now available on Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com. In the not too distant future the book will be available in your choice of delicious paperback and ebook format (more on this later.) You can find links for the book on both sites below.

A big thanks to all who attended the event, all who have purchased a copy, and all who have shown their support. As I said in my soon-to-be-famous speech, just your interest and excitement is enough. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Red Wine and Words Official Launch

We will be officially launching Red Wine and Words next Tuesday, 20th December in The Book Centre, 5 South Main Street, Wexford, at 8pm.

Call in to pick up your copy, signed by moi, grab yourself a glass of wine and enjoy with us, the general merriment of this time of year and of the release of a brand spanking new - and awesome, might I add - book.

It promises to be a great night, and at a great time of year, but if you can't join us, you can still pick up your copy at The Book Centre later on, or online at:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Red Wine and Words Update

Tiny post alert!

Just a quick update with a link to the Amazon page selling Red Wine and Words.

Pop on over, take a look, and if you were to buy a copy, well that would be just swell!

And because I can, here's the cover again!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Extra Extra Read All About it

It is with great pleasure, pride and all other good things starting with 'p' that my first post in December presents to you, my loyal subjects, the much awaited cover for my upcoming short story collection, Red Wine and Words. Feast your eyes on this, my prettys!

Red Wine and Words

The book is due for release sometime very, very shortly by Post Mortem Press, and will be available from the publishers website, as well as many online retailers in both ebook and traditional paperback form.

Alternatively, should you like to partake in some free wine, niblets, and good company in a cosy, Christmassy atmosphere, The Book Centre in Wexford shall be hosting a launch and signing in late December. The date is yet to be confirmed, but just cross off those little niggly stocking fillers from your list, and fill them with Red Wine and Words instead.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Blissful Ruminations and Other Stories

It has recently come to my attention how feckin' awesome it is to be writing again. Now, while I have tapped away at bits and pieces here and there, I have been mostly caught up with editing and whatnot for the book. But that's all out of my hands now, and it's back to doing what I love best - Writing. There is nothing nicer than being able to sit down after a days work, to a couple of uninterrupted hours of scribbling. *Blissful sigh* I don't ever want to stop. One could well and truly say that one is a happy camper!

In other news, Grim Fairy Tales is now available. This anthology - with a stunning cover might I add - features my story 'Fern of the Forest'. This is a dark tale, with a lot of dark, dirty stuff implied, and certainly not to be confused with a bedtime story for the lil ones!

Grim Fairy Tales

Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's Here!

Yes, A Hacked Up Holiday Massacre is here.

This anthology is edited by Shane McKenzie, and comes with a whole host of stories from big names such as Jack Ketchum, Joe R. Landsdale and Wrath James White. The anthology takes all those merry holidays we celebrate each year, and rips them to shreds, no holds barred. 

I for one can't wait to get my hands on it. At the moment A Hacked Up Holiday Massacre is available from the following link:

and will soon be available in print and ebook from Amazon and other online bookstores.

In the words of todays youth - OMG OMG OMG!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Two Upcoming Releases

Step right up, step right up! Two new books coming soon to your Amazon :)

Hallowe'en should see the release of both Hallowe'en Frights, from Wicked East Press, and Undertaker Tales from Norgus Press.

Above is the awesome cover for Hallowe'en Frights Volume 3. This book will contain my story, 'Night of Nights.' The cover combines with the covers of the other two volumes (from Pill Hill Press and Static Movement respectively) to form a mural cover (see below.)

You can buy the complete trilogy for a special price at:

Separate copies can be found on Amazon at the link below:

The second new addition to my shelf, Undertaker Tales: What They Don't Teach You at Mortuary School, is pegged to be released for Hallowe'en also. This will contain my story 'Dead Tired', which is a little horror of a zombie tale.

Ahem, of course, we should also be expecting the arrival of my first, solo collection 'Red Wine and Words' snapping on the heels of these two gems... but that's for a separate post altogether!! 

Friday, August 5, 2011

More Good Deeds Down the Hatch

And so two more contracts are returned. These are two connected, exciting projects, and, as a huge bonus, they are for charity. Both will be entitled 'The Undead that Saved Christmas', one a Vampire edition, the other a Zombie edition. Net proceeds from both these anthologies will go towards providing Christmas presents for foster kids at Hugs Foster Family Agency.

My zombie story, an old fashioned, slightly humourous, slightly horrific adventure, is entitled 'The Last Christmas'. For the vampire edition I have produced 'Yuletide Gathering' ~ Authors note: Nothing here sparkles!

Below are the tentative covers for both anthologies.

 Go on, you know you want to... it's for a great cause.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Big Reveal

Finally, I get to type the words... So, another of the aforementioned 'projects' has come into fruition. All going well, the end of august should see the release of my first, solo short story collection.

My little masterpiece shall be dubbed 'Red Wine and Words' and is comprised of sixteen smaller masterpieces, the themes of which range from horror to dark fantasy, humour to romantic suspense, with a few strange unclassifiable ones thrown into the mix.

Of course it's not really news to me; I've known for almost a week - I'm a dark horse amn't I - but I have been holding back and twiddling my thumbs until the contract was signed so as not to 'jinx' it, as we would say back in the mother land. Regardless, it doesn't make it any less awesome to be able to write this post now.

Stay tuned to keep abreast on release dates, signings and all that malarky. <insert happy face here>

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Small Reveal

In my last post I was spouting on about some 'projects' I had in the mix. And then, being the awesome writer that I am, I left it at a cliffhanger. Well now I have the go-ahead to reveal some of it, and I will, because I'm good like that.

I got my lovely acceptance mail from Shane McKenzie over at Pill Hill Press last night, accepting my story, 'Joyeux Pâques', into the super exciting anthology, 'A Hacked-Up Holiday Massacre.' 

A Hacked-Up Holiday Massacre

This is a pretty high profile anthology. I was a trifle starstruck to say the least at the reveal of the cover, to see that I will be sharing the pages with the likes of Jack Ketchum (Red, The Girl Next Door) and Bentley Little (The Summoning and two time winner of Bram Stoker Awards) to name a few. 

The caption on the cover reads 'Halloween is going to be jealous.' With a line-up like that, this book promises to do exactly what it says on the tin!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

So, I know what you've been thinking, For a writer she's got very bloody little to say!  Well I'll have you know I've been a very busy little bee, despite appearances, thank you very much! With the exception of one certain Ekstrem Sport Veko, I have been working on making a dent on all those annoying little bits of ideas that come to me in my sleep or at various other inopportune moments.

This basically means I have been on the run from the numerous forums with open submission calls; I can't afford to add to the ideas. You see, one little writer wants to put her short stories to bed and start to work on something a bit more novelly!

So now that we're on the same page, and it's clear I haven't been a lazy, no-writing sod for the past month, let's get on to some of the fun stuff that is happening. Within the month we should see the release of 'It was a Dark and Stormy Night.' I've edited my story in the proof and had a glance at some of the others, including the hilarious introduction by Jeff Strand, and I can tell you now, it promises to be a good'un. Below follows a gratuitous image of the cover.

It was a Dark and Stormy Night

Now there are a few other projects in the bag, and some quite exciting if I do say so myself, but I never like to detail them before either an acceptance or rejection. I wouldn't like to jinx things as they say.  Just another perk of being a lil Irish lady.

For the moment, you can all rest assured that your most fabulous favourite Irish author has most definitely not disappeared into the woodwork of her book shelves.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Three in the Mix

I recently received word that I will be having another, a third, story appearing in Pill Hill Press's upcoming anthology Daily Flash 2012. This is a collection of tiny stories, one for each day of the year. My three are entitled:

The Lady of the Hills
Inside Job

The themes of the stories are quite varied. Where 'The Lady of the Hills' is a haunting ghost story, 'Inside Job' is a crime, and 'Surrogate', well that's a strange one! A weird little creature feature where you find no answers.

I'm looking forward to this anthology coming out. With each story being no more than 500 words, it doesn't require a huge amount of commitment, instead you can take a quick peak whenever you can grab a spare few minutes. 

Unfortunately the anthology won't be available until sometime around November :( But it will be something to look forward to when the nights get longer.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Coming Soon To A Laughter Fest Near You

Browsing around the old forums today (I've been trying to stay away so I won't see any new calls that I feel I just have to write for, instead of concentrating on the ideas that are already crying for attention) I came across the completed cover for 'It was a Dark and Stormy Night.'

This anthology is a horror parody (if the cover didn't give that away). My story is called 'Night of the Killer Whatchamacallit,' and, if you read it, I think you'd agree it's almost like the cover was made for it. I can't wait to get my hands on this one!

Friday, May 27, 2011

An Opportunity and a Review

I was recently given the opportunity to read and write an inner comment for a short story collection of a writer friend and (hopefully soon to be for me) publisher. Of course one has to seize such opportunities, so I read the collection, liked what I read, and decided to do a full blown review right here!

This is my first attempt at a review, so be gentle with me!


Review of:

Death's Too Short
A Zombie Short Story Collection by Lyle Perez-Tinics

I was dubious to say the least, starting into this collection. I am a big fan of zombie movies and books, however I've been feeling lately that the market is quite saturated. And there I was, sitting before a PDF of seven zombie stories in one book. 

Right from the outset though, I began to be turned (pardon the pun)... and that only from the table of contents page. In a nice touch, Perez-Tinics provides a short synopsis of each story in the table of contents, and we all know that a well written synopsis is enough to set our fingers itching to get into a book. I was sold.

The predominate theme throughout, besides zombies of course, is genuine, edge-of-your-seat action, with a few surprises thrown in. These really are zombie stories with a difference. Within these covers are some really unique concepts; 'The Gingerbreads' sits at the head of these. A young boy finds himself in a hopeless situation, with a harrowing fallout in, 'A Kid Named Layne.' And then we see a futuristic side to the timeless zombie in, 'The Dead Side of the Moon.'

My favourite stories in this collection were the above-mentioned, 'A Kid Named Layne,' and 'Radio Dead.' Radio Dead is a grim tale that really brings to home the hopelessness of a zombie apocalypse, and deals with the inevitable 'anything goes' mindset that would surely be ripe in some individuals, at such a time.  

Now of course there are your usual hacking-of-heads, tearing-of-flesh scenes, but this is okay, we like this... when there is intelligence behind the gore, and this there is throughout the collection. As well as solid, clean writing, there is an extensive knowledge of weaponry that makes you suck in a breath and say, Feck (if you're Irish) this guy knows his stuff.

Death's Too Short is a worthy addition to any avid zombieist's collection, and well worth a read for the rest of us just looking for some nighttime thrills (nothing dirty intended there, for you out there with the smutty mind.) While all stories may not be to everyones taste, this collection certainly has enough variety to scratch that proverbial itch, and I'm chuffed to have my name inside the cover.


The End 
(How was my driving?)   


Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Watched Pot Never Boils

An old cliche, but one of the only that holds any weight. Every writer knows, that once you click that dreaded 'submit' button on a story, you become a chronic inbox watcher. Even a five minute trip to the bathroom ends in a mad dash back to the laptop to see if there is any reply.

Well, it's been a busy week, with the auld sister coming to visit, and then me heading home for a visit. Needless to say, I've been spending far too  much time with my head stuck in a pint to think about the laptop. But on the odd sober moments I've come across, I have been popping on to have a look. And to good news!

Yesterday I had a lovely mail from Jessy at Pill Hill Press accepting my story, 'That's What Little Boys Are Made Of', to the anthology, 'There Was a Crooked House'.

And today there was another welcome acceptance. This one from Sam at Panic Press accepting my story 'Raising the Roobling' for the anthology, 'Monsters Doing Something Funny for Money'. This is an extra proud one, as proceeds from the sales of this book will go towards Comic Relief. The second of my good writing deeds.

Monsters Cover

One has to wonder, if one could stay away from the inbox would all replies be so welcome... hmmm

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Covers

The working covers of the three volume, Halloween Frights have been released. And quite cool they are too. Each cover works on its own, but when put in sequence, they work as a mural. Have a look. My story appears in volume 3.

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3
including my story, 'Night of Nights'

And when put together it all looks like this:


Pretty decent wouldn't you think? Now I may buy all fecking three...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Giving Something Back

So for the last week I have been working on a number of stories for charity anthologies. I've always liked to do things for charity, be it dressing up like, well a hooker to put it bluntly, and traipsing around the town, to regular donations. Not to mention going halfway across the world to live in the wilds of Kenya (slight over exaggeration there, but I earned it!) So I went crazy writing when I realised I had the means to combine the two.

And it has paid off! I've had my story 'This is 2012' accepted for the anthology 'Quakes and Storms' by Panic Press. The proceeds of this book go to the American Red Cross, towards the Japanese relief fund.

The anthology can be bought here:

and it's one of a number that I will be urging people to buy because it's for such a good cause. Not only are you getting a padding for your conscience, but there are some quality stories there to enjoy, by a number of talented writers, besides myself!

But that's not all! This acceptance comes with a triple whammy. Yes, you heard me, triple! It's my first acceptance with Panic Press, and also, my first story with a UK company! I'm getting closer to home. Ireland, watch out; the prodigal daughter will return, with a pen in her hand and a book under her arm!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another Proud Acceptance

Yesterday I woke up to a lovely email from Dorothy Davies, editor at Static Movement, accepting my story, 'Fern of the Forest' for her anthology 'Grim Fairy Tales.' Just love the cover for that one.

Grim Fairy Tales

Fern of the Forest takes the classic, Snow White, and brings it back somewhere close to the original story, before Disney got their hands on it, which, according to Dorothy, is a 'gorgeous gory twist on the old story.' She also mentioned the word 'genius', but we don't want to go overboard on the self praise or anything!

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Got Me One Fan!

Tonight I got the best review of my relatively short writing career... and it came from none other than my sister! Now I know what you're all thinking, of course she's going to have a biased review, however, let me reassure you, had I produced something muck, she would not hesitate to string me up by the short and curlies and inform me of it.

It was in reply to my latest story, 'This is 2012' which will hopefully go into an anthology, the proceeds of which will go toward the Japan tsunami appeal. This is what she said:

That gave me goose bumps and actually nearly moved me to tears. You have a fantastic talent sister dear and it is getting better by the day. I honestly cannot believe any sister of mine wrote that. I genuinely look forward to reading what you next come up with as you seem to excel at any style or topic. Another one of your best!

Now I don't give a rats ass who says it, I'll take that thank you very much! Here's hoping the publisher is as impressed. Thanks Tell ;)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Book Available

Shadows Within Shadows is now available for purchase. It's a bit early for Amazon, but I can't hold my horses, so for the moment it can be purchased at:

My story in this anthology is called, 'Frozen Outpost' and it's a hair-stand-up-on-the-back-of-your-neck tale about an evil Indian spirit, back in the times when the west was still wild. 

That's five anthologies on the shelf, and counting. Now where did I put my saw and hammer?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Rant of Confusion

I have just been putting the finishing touches on two of the most conflicting stories I've ever written. One a fairytle rewrite; a comedy romance with a smidgen of darkness thrown in for good measure. The other an extreme shock horror. I'm not sure if it's extreme enough to shock the people it needs to, but it certainly bordered on turning my luscious tresses grey trying to write it.

Suffice to say it ended my day with a strange feeling, one not unlike getting kicked in the shin bone while having the massage of your life, like chalk and cheese, like... well, you get the idea! <end decidedly pointless post here>

Sunday, March 13, 2011

One Sure Way to Bake My Bikkies!

One of my stories is going to be included in a rather unique anthology! Pill Hill Press, Static Movement and Wicked East Press are teaming up to release three volumes of 'Halloween Frights'. There will be thirteen stories in each volume and they will be available in... wait for it...

Limited Edition Hardback

My story, entitled 'Night of Nights' will be included in Halloween Frights Volume III, published by Wicked East Press. And, to top it off, this will be my first story published by Wicked East... double whammy! Needless to say, my excitement knows no bounds.

The books won't be out 'till, well, Halloween, duh, but maybe we might have an auld sneaky peaky of the cover before then... watch this space.

Now, how to get through the night when one is unable to partake in celebratory drinkypoos.....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Long Time No Post

What a week! I managed to knock out four stories before their deadlines, and proof another which I later decided to set aside and build into something bigger. I was just praying I worked well under pressure!

Needless to say, I've been glued to the ould inbox the last few days. And with good results! There are now two new exciting projects I'm going to be part of, so if you will permit me,  I might just ramble on a little about them.

I stepped a little outside of my comfort zone and attempted a horror parody for a Pill Hill Press anthology called 'It Was a Dark and Stormy Night'. The sole purpose of this anthology is to poke fun at all the horrible cliches and overdone plots we try to avoid at all costs. The title of my story is: 'Night of the Killer Whatchamacallit', and generally takes the living p@*£ out of the teen slasher type storyline. And who would have thought it but it was well received. And that's not even the best part; the anthology is being edited by Shane McKenzie, an up and coming writer and editor, and is also being introduced by Jeff Strand.

Secondly, I managed to impress a good friend of mine and snook in a story to the anthology she's editing called 'Sowing the Seeds of Horror', by Lorraine Horrell.

Sighs in contentment. So far so good...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Another Review

I stumbled across another review the other day, not specifically about me, but about Static Poetry. In saying that I was just as chuffed as if it had been about me!
A number of Irish poets feature in this book with both standard poetry and haiku/senryu work. It is wonderful to see so many Irish poets in one anthology. Highly recommended.
And not just one, but two.
It's good to see the range of poetry in this selection, which is a vivid proof that poetry is alive and well and thriving. A fine selection of work, including a rich sprinkling of haikus, this anthology is fresh and spirited, featuring a range of voices that should both entertain and inform the reader with ideas and concerns that engage hearts and minds in our world today. 
Now that's what I like to hear!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My First Review

Browsing around Amazon I stumbled upon a review of Dark Romance - From the Far Side. Fingers shaking, I scrolled down through and was surprised and delighted to see my name crop up. True, it was only a sentence compared to more in-depth reviews, but a mention nonetheless.
Worth an honorable mention ... Emma Ennis's Chosen, a ghost story with a chilling ending.
Of twenty stories in the book, six were named in the review, two getting honorary mentions. Well worth a gloat on here if I do say so myself!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Books Available

Over the last two days, two more of the anthologies that include my work have become available! Exciting stuff! They are not yet available on Amazon, that will be coming soon. In the meantime they can be got from:

The two most recent additions are:

Static Poetry
Compiled by Chris Bartholomew


Serial Killers
Edited by Chris Bartholomew

More details can be found on the 'Available Works' page... if you're interested!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Acceptance from Shootout

So it appears that the shootout really won't be a waste of time; I just got my first story from it accepted to be published in an anthology about cursed objects.

Now wasn't that a nice little coincidence! 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Shootout Round 1 - Results

The results from the first round of the shootout are in...

I'm currently in 4th place!

Of 11! Now ask me am I chuffed about that?? You're damn right I am! I got some really great comments and also some helpful hints. The leader is at 8.5 points, my total is 8.125.

My lowest score was 6, but from there it was 7's, 8's and 9's the whole way! No full marks, but two 9.5's which I will gladly take thank you very much. Of course that called for a few glasses of red while I finished off my second entry - the prompt: 'There Was a Crooked House'.

Here's hoping it's as successful as the first. Regardless, the criticism from this competition can be taken to every story, and that's something that can't be bought. Whether I come in fourth or eleventh, it definitely won't be a waste of time... and I'll come out at then with four awesome stories that will be looking for a home!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Norgus Press Likes Me Too!

It's been a good week, first a poem, and now my I've just had my first story accepted by Norgus Press.

I'm real excited to be on board with them. They are a new press that are dedicated to showcasing new writers. They are currently in the process of publishing their first anthology and this one I'm in will be their second or third release.

The anthology is called 'Undertaker Tales' and my story entitled 'Dead Tired' is a little zombie number. My first... they grow up so fast!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Poet? Wha...?

Pardon me if I seem a little shocked. Just allow me to take a swig of this celebratory wine and dull my brain a little more. It now appears that I am also something of a poet!

I just got word that a poem I had written years ago, probably the first thing I ever wrote, was accepted to be published in a poetry anthology. Who would have thought it? I know I certainly didn't! It has been sitting on my computer, gathering pixel dust for years, when I spotted the submission call for the anthology. So, says I to myself, I'll dust her off and let her out for a run. And lo and behold...

Wonders never cease! So forgotten little things you done years ago can still make a difference in the future. It just goes to show that anything is possible if you keep dreaming! (Very philosophical of me - it must be the wine)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Shootout Update 2

So the deadline is upon us. The forum is filled with mass panic (not really), tensions have reached fever pitch (a little maybe but nothing to write home about!), competitors have resorted to dirty tactics to take out the opponent (not at all) and I'm unlivable-with (always).

My, how I love to exaggerate! When you step out of my overactive imagination you will find that it's all very friendly and civilised. A lot of moral boosting flying back and forth between the competitors and light hearted jibes. Has a competition ever been so laid back? Methinks not.

The story is complete, one final proof read over the weekend and Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt. 'Tis all under control folks... of course we were kind of eased into it with an extra week for the story, to acclimatise the newbies amongst us. It's after Sunday that the s*@% really begins to hit the proverbial fan. It's then when paragraph 1 on this post may not be so far-fetched!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I'm tinkering away at this blog stuff, and it's actually beginning to look like a website! How cool is that? Everyone should have a blog. It's terrible exciting! As long as I don't start getting too worked up and add tabs to my new shoes and what not.

Memo to me: this is strictly a site 'about the author'... but doesn't the author wear shoes after all??? 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Anthology Covers

A few little piccy's of the book covers my stories are / will be included in. Some of which are pretty AWESOME you must agree.

Available anthologies:

School Days - Tales with an Edge

Dark Romance - From the Far Side

Coming soon:

The Shadow People

Shadows Within Shadows
Serial Killers
The Fountain of Youth - The Down Side

Check back later for more. I'll add covers as soon as they are released :) 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Another Day, Another Story!

So I dragged myself back from the powdery mountains to tell y'all about some exciting news I received last night. A story I've been working on for a while now, about a horrific serial killer, has been accepted for inclusion in the anthology 'Serial Killers' by Static Movement.

My story, entitled 'From Hell and Back', brazenly ran over 1000 words over the maximum word limit, but the editor accepted it anyway... phew! Thanks for that Chris!

I've always had a morbid fascination with serial killers so I'm really chuffed to be included in this. Can't wait to get my hands on it and see what the other dark minds have come up with.

Serial Killers

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I  hereby wish to state that all the characters in all my stories are purely fictional characters and not based on any real-life individuals... apart from those that are. Any resemblances to actual persons are unintentional... except for where it was intentional.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Shootout Update

So the first prompt is out! A week early for those entrants (not mentioning any names, like Emma Ennis) who are new to the whole thing.

The prompt: 'The Rise of the Mummies'. It caused several seconds of blind panic, but I swiftly took myself into a corner and gave myself a stern talking to, after which I came up with an idea, though perchance not an amazing one, 'twill at least be passable!

Of course the idea and the writing of it are the easy parts... afterwards I've got to read what ten other, way more experienced writers thought of my story, all the while fighting the temptation to hang myself!

It's gonna be a long two months! I apologise in advance for the wretched being I'm about to become...

Saturday, January 8, 2011


And she has sold her soul...

Okay so maybe I should take my foot off the exaggerator for a little minute! Forgive my melodrama, but it stems from the well of intense excitement and fright that is right now bubbling in the pit of my stomach. You see last night I signed up for a writers 'shootout' over on Pill Hill Press. What the hell is that, I hear ye ask? Then let me explain my furry little friends.

It's a first come, first serve competition with an 8 to 12 maximum of competitors. Once full, the forum is locked with only the entrants having access. Then we sit around, chewing our fingers while waiting for a photo prompt, which can be anything, on any theme. Then it's lift off. Each competitor has one week to write a story based on the photo prompt. When the time is up we each get another week to read all the other entries and vote on them. It's completely anonymous (is it just me or is that the hardest word on this green earth to spell?), both the writing and the voting.

When that week is up it starts again and goes on for four rounds. In the end the votes from all rounds are tallied and the winner is found.

Now isn't that just the most exciting and scary thing you've ever heard of? Probably not, but it is to me! I've never attempted anything like this, probably because I never knew they existed. Why do I have a feeling I'm about to be chewed up and spit out?? gulp   

Friday, January 7, 2011

Coming Soon

The following stories are not in print yet, but have found their little places and are waiting to be brought to life. So here's a little taster to get you all riled up and ready!

Dust and Bones by Emma Ennis
   Included in 'Best Left Buried', a Static Movement Anthology edited by Gregory 
   What length would you go to to ensure you would never have to work again?
   Would you raid an ancient tomb despite the warnings? 

Dead Tired by Emma Ennis
   Included in the 'Undertaker Tales' anthology by Norgus Press.
   Ever wondered what happens to an undertaker when they close up for the 
   night? Well wonder no longer. You might want to rethink those further education 
Night Watch by Emma Ennis
   A poem included in the anthology 'Static Poetry' by Static Movement.

From Hell and Back by Emma Ennis
   Included in 'Serial Killers', a Static Movement anthology.
   There's a killer on the loose, a brazen one who works out in the open, hacking
   his victims on the street. After a startling discovery, Detective Robert Coyle
   is working against the clock to catch a killer who loves to taunt them.

Come on In by Emma Ennis
   To be included in 'The Shadow People', an anthology from Static Movement.
   Lurking in the darkness of your mind are the shadow people. Who are they?
   What do they want? And do you give it to them?

A Life for Life by Emma Ennis
   Included in the anthology 'The Fountain of  Youth - The Downside'
   The Fountain of Youth, sought after for centuries but never found. If you found it,
   would you be so quick to drink? Think hard!

Inside Job by Emma Ennis
   Included (with below) in the Pill Hill Press anthology 'Daily Flash 2012', out
   roughly this coming November.
   A tiny little bite of flash fiction. To tell you much would tell the whole story! Let's
   just say it's set at the crime scene of a bloody murder.

The Lady of the Hills by Emma Ennis
   Will also appear in 'Daily Flash 2012'.
   A haunting little ghost story from times long past.

Frozen Outpost by Emma Ennis
   Recently accepted for the Static Movement anthology 'Shadows Within
   Set in the dwindling days of the wild west, before the last of the Indian tribes
   were run from their lands.With the first snow she comes, an evil Indian spirit, to
   plague and torment men. This time it's Ewart, an innocent outpost keeper, who
   she targets... but what does she want?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Available Works

Here's a list of works that are available now to buy. All can be got from Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Alternatively go to either of the Amazons (book sites that is!) and search for my name, Emma Ennis. A list of works will come up there too and you can buy all at once!!!!
Chosen by Emma Ennis
   Included in the Static Movement anthology 'Dark Romance - From the Far Side'
   Ever wondered what 'imaginary friends' really are? And then, have you ever
   wondered what happens when your childhood imaginary friend grew a little too...
   amorous in your adulthood?

Revenge - A Sweet Addiction by Emma Ennis
   Included in the Static Movement anthology 'School Days - Tales with an Edge.
   A mean little thriller about the cruelty of life and love in school... with a twist.


Being a newborn babe to the world of writing I thought it was high time I started one of these new-fangled blog things all the cool kids are talking about! I thought it would be a pretty nifty way to group all my info together, so any followers are kept up to date on new publications and what not. But first, a little about me...
I was born and reared (to some extent!) in County Wexford, Ireland but have been living in Norway for about a year and a half, in a snowy little town called Voss, oftentimes called the 'Extreme Sports Capital of the World', which suits me fine thank you very much!
I have a degree in computers, but swiftly fell out with the damn things during my four year course; we didn't always see eye-to-eye, me and computers. Since then I have studied many other subjects such as Interior Design and Floristry - eclectic I know - but the lifelong dream has always been to write. So, me being me, I had to give it a go.
Lo and behold, I tried my hand at a couple of novels, but soon grew disheartened trying to find a publisher. 'Tis a wicked world for a fledgling writer, the world of publishers and agents, and I soon hid from the wolves and haven't written for many years. However, towards the end of 2010 I seen a friend of mine and old school buddy, Lorraine Horrell, was taking the place by storm with her stories and it was she who put me on to Static Movement and Chris Bartholomew who accepted my first story for publication.
And so the demon in me was born. Since the 10th of November I've had 7 stories accepted into 6 different anthologies, two of which are now available for purchase at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Just search for my name on either of those sites and you'll get my author page with available books... if you're interested that is of course!
Cue the exit music for end of intro...